Four Tips to Enhance Your Resume

We’ve have heard it. A resume is the most important piece of a job search. Actually, I think they are part of a bigger strategy, but I will talk about that at a later date. In fact, a resume is the first thing many individuals jump to ‘update’ when they need or want a new job.

Resumes are a great insight into how you can help solve a hiring manager’s problem with validated information showcasing how you have done that in the past.  Often if we haven’t updated our resume for awhile, we forget what we should or shouldn’t do.  QDSMoAMTYaZoXpcwBjsL__DSC0104-1

So as set out to revamp or even start your resume, remember the following tips:

Lose the objective statement. Long gone are the days that we state on a resume, Seeking a position…. Or My objective is to be in a X role with a growing company. Having this on your resume will surely get you overlooked. Instead make sure you have a solid summary section which balances your brand, skills and abilities. It should be a holistic view of who you are as an employee and how your skills will solve the hiring managers problem.

Length- 1 to 2 pages maximum. Levo league had an article highlighting things to remove from your resume. #9 talks about keeping your resume to 1 page.  I don’t agree fully in this. In my opinion, if your experience is greater than 10 years, I would expect to see a 2 page resume when you think of all the information I want to see. A robust summary section, your experience, education and any other relevant information (professional training, technical skills, etc.). Although, this is your resume. Do what feels good for you-1 or 2 pages but NEVER go beyond 2 pages. You will lose your reader who is only spending 6 seconds reading it anyway.

Detail the last 10-15 years only. You don’t need to put much depth to jobs you had 20 years ago. What’s most important is what you have done recently that can be of service to this new job.

Use POWER words.  Put power behind your accomplishments by using strong action words. Words like Managed, Developed, Supervised, Led, Created, etc. have more punch behind them and leave the reader with a positive impression.

Simple and classic look. NO need to have fancy boarders, graphs or pictures in your resume (unless you are a designer…that’s a unique situation). Keep you look simple allowing for the reader to quickly get to the heart of why they are reading your resume. Do you have the skills and experience they are looking for?

No matter what you are in the development of your resume, just starting or making quick edits, hopefully these easy tips will help.

Also, check out the outrageous and crazy resume mistakes in the 2013 Career Builders study of Common and Not-So-Common Resume Mistakes That Can Cost You the Job.  Find interesting things like how someone listed on their resume their objective was “To work for someone who is not an alcoholic with three DUI’s like my current employer”.  I am not easily surprised these days…but that one threw me for a loop.

To your growth, development and amazing potential,
Lisa Hayes
Professional Development Coach
